August 29, 2008

Tarot, SciFi Twist

Egypt Urnash - 78 Evasions: The Urnash Tarot
August 29 - September 19, 2008 - Space 242

“Tarot is a fascinating labyrinth of seemingly significant imagery, muddied history, and confusion. It’s a sprawling canvas of images that are just far enough from being something archetypical to be fun to play with.” - Egypt Urnash

Those are the great words by the lady with the sweet name Egypt, talking about her show that opens tonight titled, 78 Evasions: The Urnash Tarot, Space 242's eighth exhibition of the year, and Urnash's first exhibition. Her animations are explained as tarot cards, with a sci-fi flare.

Tarot fans, advised to attend. Remember that RSVP is required to attend the openings, simply visit the gallery website. Sponsored by the Weekly Dig. The TSB also is tagging her as the artist of the month.

August 20, 2008


August 28, 2008 - Middle East Club
I've been waiting a long time to post as my first blog on The Struggling Blogger, but I guess I just wanted it to be special. When I heard Rza (aka Bobby Digital) was coming to Boston, I figured there really wouldn't be a better introduction than this. So, without further ado... Rza, of the Wu-Tang Clan, is playing at the Middle East in a week. To be honest, the entire group is a bit over the hill, and their performances at Rock the Bells have been almost comical, but I can't help but have faith in my first love. Plus, Rza's always had his shit together, he did the soundtracks for Kill Bill Vol. 1, Ghost Dog, and Afro Samurai, and he was recently IN American Gangster. If you're still not convinced, or you're just still mourning about the passing of ODB, go listen to You Can't Stop Me Now.

ICA, I've Missed You

Nicholas Hlobo - Momentum 11
July 30 - October 26, 2008 - ICA Boston

If I don't get my ass down to the ICA in Boston soon I am going to scream. What I really need to do is go tomorrow night or an upcoming Thursday, because time is running out, and while I still need to see the hyped Anish Kapoor show, as well as the Street Level show, which most likely I could get plenty of shit for, the new Nicholas Hlobo show is here.

My master plan is to hit not two, but three birds with one stone. On top of the two must go shows, the newest Nicholas Hlobo show, while his work scares me a bit, it intrigues me as well, as he just loves to make those huge phallic shapes of who knows what. What I am trying to say, if you are like me, you need to get to these shows which most end in October. So take one your last summer weekend afternoons, or if your a student a Thursday evening, and make your way to the ICA, because by now it's an order.

East 2 West

Sean Keenan - Southeast Asia Series
August 7 - 31, 2008 - Judi Rotenberg Gallery

Sean Keenan has had a show of his photography from Southeast Asia, sharing show space with Nicole Kita, so also has some great work. I meant to show you all about the show at the Judi Rotenberg earlier, but The Boston Globe just reviewed the show in their paper today, giving you one reason to stop by the Newbury show before the end of the month. Sean Keenan's photography really captures to world of the southeast countries of Asia. Of course be sure to read the brief but solid review of the showing.

August 17, 2008

Whats with August?

John Rosenthal - Then...Absence
August 14 - September 29, 2008 - Gallery Panopticon

We are going to blame the hot weather for the lack of the posts, but the month of August in Boston is a bit of struggle itself as there are little to no shows going on. I even heard from the Weekly Dig are pulling teeth looking for new events or artists around Boston to cover. It is already August 17th, and it is time for the The Struggling Blogger to get back into action and dig up from new works of art.

One new show that just put up a few days ago is of photogpraher John Rosenthal, from North Carolina. He photographed devastated Ninth Ward down in New Orleans. Their have been many photographers to capture the disaster since that day, but Rosenthal's seem to hit you, like it should. Also be sure to checkout his portfolio site. While the site is hard to look at as a design student, the work makes up for that fact.

August 7, 2008

Olympics or This!?

The Everyday Visuals, Hooray for Earth, Passion Pit
August 8, 2008 - Middle East Club

What a better way to boycott the Summer Olympics and the opening ceremony, but head down to the Middle East - downstairs as they have a night of local flavor, with beats that will not disappoint. The Everyday Visuals are the featured band, but Passion Pit is the guy I most excited for! The beats are crazy and abnormal, and seem like they shouldn't go together, but they do! The Everyday Visuals are a bit lower and Hooray is a happy medium, and Thick as Thieves are up there too. Oh Boy! Talk about a superb great local show for a small fee of 12 bucks, or adv of 8, +18.