October 7, 2008

Mythical and Mystical

AJ Liberto - Return to Ooze
October 3 - 24, 2008 - Rotch Library @ MIT

Somerville resident AJ Liberto's latest exhibit titled 'Return to Ooze' at the Rotch Library has some great work showcasing many of his new pieces based on mythical, mystical and scientific transformations invloving liquid. All started this past Friday, and is open until October 24, 2008.

Gubicza at SOWA

Zooguu by The Sweetest Pea
Affordable Local Art

Saw my old typography teacher Jen Gubicza down at the SOWA Open Market this past weekend. I thought she moved to Brooklyn. I guess she did, but she still takes every chance to sell her little handmade stuffed animals. I know they used to sell iPod case monsters, but she didn't have any on her table this past Sunday. I believe she'll be back in SOWA this Sunday, but don't quote me. Great chance to get down to one of the last SOWA Open Market's of the year. I will be making my third trip this Sunday. Also checkout SweetestPea.com

October 4, 2008

Old Fashion Freak

Bill Domonko
Lumen Eclipse - October 1 - 30, 2008

Lumen Eclipse is proud to present the solo show of Bill Domonko who has some crazy old fashion feel films, that are very abstract. My favorite has to be 'Lu deux fois' which I recommend you checkout. Also don't forget to attend the LE:60 film festival tonight (after being pushed back a week). All starts around 5:30/6 to 10pm. With live music by Pants Yell!

October 3, 2008

Exploring Wildness and Excess

Hairston-Medice, O’Malley, Blatman - Overflow
Oct 3 - Nov 22, 2008 - Laconia Gallery

Starting tonight, the Laconia Gallery opens their newest showing by Hairston-Medice, O'Malley, Blatman, who all have MFA's in painting and from Somerville, yet the show displays a number of different types of work such as painting, ink, and knitting sculpture as well. The show as well as the opening is tonight starting at 5:30 to 8.

October 2, 2008

Straight Up Colour

Rose Olson - Just Color, No Curves
Kingston Gallery - Sept 30 - Nov 1, 2008

Rose Olson has some gorgeous work up at the Kingston Gallery. Paint on wood veneer, with the grain of the wood coming through to add to the work. The exhibition's opening is on Friday starting at 5pm to 7:30, open to the public.

October 1, 2008

Redi Light

Erwin Redi - A Light Installation
Sept 26 - Nov 30, 2008 - Emerson College

Emerson has an ill show at the Huret and Spector Gallery which you need to go see, and so do I. It just went up a few days ago. Redi uses LED lights, with the combination with the architecture of the rooms to make an amazing impression. Of course he uses red(i) lights.

September 29, 2008

Q&A with Marquis via Design:Related

Blake E. Marquis - Interview

While not exactly in Boston, actually it is in LA, the latest show featuring Blake E. Marquis. While the show is on the other side of the country, we did feature Blake way back during the early weeks of The Struggling Blogger, it is great to checkout his latest stuff. We do want to highlight a ten Q&A interview passed to us from the nice people at Design:Related. Be sure to checkout his latest work as well, on his portfolio.


Jenna Casey - Portfolio

Checkout Jenna Casey who recently graduated from MassArt with a great portfolio, which includes a well tailored collection of books which impressed me.

The Struggling Blogger is making a big effort to display more design and even more student design portfolio sites or AIGA pages, you if your interested, submit.

Ice Ice, Dentyne

Dentyne Ice - Ad Campaign

It you haven't been taking the MBTA, and you can still afford gas, well your missing some good advertising. Dentyne Ice a few weeks back came out with their 'Original Instant Message' campaign. It is a clever idea since I have seen them, and after writing about the fun Sharks & Rays ads back in July is sparked an idea...

The MBTA is filled with great ads, but is also filled with a bunch of horrible ads. This Winter 'The Struggling Blogger' will present the first ever top and bottom ten of MBTA advertising. We are going to have this twice a season, the end of the Winter and the end of the Summer. Collecting candidates starts... now!

September 27, 2008

Student Design Scholarship

Tim Moore Scholarship - Deadline: November 1, 2008

AIGA Boston is honored to offer a scholarship in memory of our colleague, Tim Moore. To be entered you first must be a Junior or Senior design student who is planning to student abroad for any period of time. Also while traveling, and studying you are asked to carry a sketchbook and submit to AIGA when you return. Thirdly you are asked to submit your current transcript and acceptance documents of your program abroad. Finally you must fill out the official scholership applcation PDF. Deadline is Saturday November 1, 2008.

September 26, 2008

Rain Delay

LE:60 - Rescheduled
October 4, 2008 - Lumen Eclipse

After what felt like a number of video extension submission deadlines, as well as changing the date of the 1st annual LE:60 festival of 60 second films. The LE:60 festival finally had a set time, with press eating up this new event. Until just an hour ago I got an email saying due to weather, the event will be postponed (again) to next Saturday, October 4th. I'm still going, but damn son, I'll watch it in the rain at this point.

Vidal's Folk Art

Jacques Louis Vidal - I Make My Own Luck
Sept 12 - Oct 22, 2008 - LaMontagne Gallery

Open Wednesday to Saturday, 11-6pm, the LaMontagne Gallery has some nice and folk inspired work to open the fall season by Jacques Louis Vidal. Also in their project room they got Paul Waddell. The show started back on the twelfth of September, but the show doesn't end until the 22nd of October. Located on 555 East 2nd Street in South Boston.

September 25, 2008

Big Weekend 4 LE

Lumen Eclipse: October Exhibit Opening Party
September 26, 2008 - The Middlesex

Lumen Eclipse is one of the more exciting gallery/video... whatever they are, in the Boston area, and this week is a perfect display of that. Tomorrow they are launching their October exhibit with an opening party for Bill Domonko. A sneak peak of his work will be on display tomorrow at the Middlesex (Cambridge 315 Mass Ave.) from 7 to 9pm. The public is encouraged to attend, and its free. All leading up to the big evening of the first annual LE:60 on Saturday. More information later today or early tomorrow.

September 22, 2008

Download, Print and Vote

Get Out The Vote 2008
Download, Print, Post - AIGA Boston

Checkout the 24 great posters designed for you to download, print, post and encourage your neighborhood, school, workplace or where-ever to get out the vote this coming November. Some are type, some are illustration, with at least one that will please your eye.


Christo & Jeanne-Claude
September 23, 2008 - ICA

Christo and Jeanne-Claude will be honored with the 2008 Great Negotiator Award by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. The event is a free event for all to go at the Boston ICA, yet once the event is full, the doors will shut, so go early enough. Best known for their installation in Central Park, 'The Gates' here in the states. I technically am a big fan of 'The Wall' displayed above made of oil barrels. They are also in the big and long stagea of making a huge, and I mean HUGE piece in the United Arab Emirates, as big as a pyramid, also made with oil barrels. All goes down tomorrow night at the ICA.

September 17, 2008

Made In America

Made In America
September 15 - November 15, 2008 - IPG

The "good old" American virtues the posters promote - teamwork, attention to detail, optimism and ingenuity - are as relevant today as they were 80 years ago and represent a unique chapter in American advertising and economic history. - IPG

The IPG Summer of Love is over, and now their newest show featuring the striking posters of the 1920's with titled Made in America. The gallery is very open to visitors , so checkout the show.

September 12, 2008

Interactive Photography

Arno Rafael Minkkinen
Sept 12 - Nov 15, 2008 - Robert Klien Gallery

Robert Klien delivers once again with some great interactive photography by Arno Rafael Minkkinen. My friend was at the gallery today, and always highly recommends the show. All are black and white photography, which really brings out the strong images. The show started a few days ago, and will be up to November 15th.

September 6, 2008

Golden Ticket

September 20, 2008 - Paradise Rock Club

Yeah, Santogold is known by everyone today, and has sold her songs to just about every car company. One thing you might not know is her show at The Paradise on September 20th, and stop calling her as another MIA, cause she aint!

September 5, 2008

One Last Mind Fuck

Anish Kapoor - Past, Present, Future
Ending September 7, 2008 - ICA Boston

Yesterday I finally made it to the ICA to see the Anish Kapoor show, and was I lucky enough see it on the last few days the show is up and, on the last free Thursday night for this showing. What Kapoor does with his work, it fuck with you, making you look like an idiot, and wanting two Advil after your finished. Is it worth it, of course. It ends this Sunday, and I am planning my second trip in only a few days. Heres a youtube video of the showing, you can't experience it as if you were really there. Missing this show would be devastating, and I'll kick you later.

Feel Free to Hire Me!

John Bogan - Portfolio

Recent graduate of New England School of Art Design, John Bogan, has finally updated his portfolio site, JohnBogan.com. The work is great, the illustrations are fun, and the pieces make a great collection. He designs for his band, as well as worked on Project M. He is looking for work, so hire this man.

September 4, 2008

Bullet Proof

Dave Cole - All American
Sept 4 - Oct 12, 2008 - Judi Rotenberg Gallery

The Judi Rotenberg Gallery on the 4th of September put up their newest show by Dave Cole called 'All American'. This US flag is created out of bullets and bullet fragments, which is so awesome. So awesome that this one is already sold, and the show has already been up for two days. The show has such a wide range of pieces, from this, to the clothes made from Gulf War bullet proof vests. Awesome!

Flesh Foto

Amy Montali - New Work
September 5 - October 11, 2008 - Gallery Kayafas

It is the first Friday of the month, and Gallery Kayafas has a new show of Amy Montali, as well as Jess T. Dugan, and they are some great photography. Both collections a bit PG-13, but all photography looks better with a flesh. The opening is tomorrow.

August 29, 2008

Tarot, SciFi Twist

Egypt Urnash - 78 Evasions: The Urnash Tarot
August 29 - September 19, 2008 - Space 242

“Tarot is a fascinating labyrinth of seemingly significant imagery, muddied history, and confusion. It’s a sprawling canvas of images that are just far enough from being something archetypical to be fun to play with.” - Egypt Urnash

Those are the great words by the lady with the sweet name Egypt, talking about her show that opens tonight titled, 78 Evasions: The Urnash Tarot, Space 242's eighth exhibition of the year, and Urnash's first exhibition. Her animations are explained as tarot cards, with a sci-fi flare.

Tarot fans, advised to attend. Remember that RSVP is required to attend the openings, simply visit the gallery website. Sponsored by the Weekly Dig. The TSB also is tagging her as the artist of the month.

August 20, 2008


August 28, 2008 - Middle East Club
I've been waiting a long time to post as my first blog on The Struggling Blogger, but I guess I just wanted it to be special. When I heard Rza (aka Bobby Digital) was coming to Boston, I figured there really wouldn't be a better introduction than this. So, without further ado... Rza, of the Wu-Tang Clan, is playing at the Middle East in a week. To be honest, the entire group is a bit over the hill, and their performances at Rock the Bells have been almost comical, but I can't help but have faith in my first love. Plus, Rza's always had his shit together, he did the soundtracks for Kill Bill Vol. 1, Ghost Dog, and Afro Samurai, and he was recently IN American Gangster. If you're still not convinced, or you're just still mourning about the passing of ODB, go listen to You Can't Stop Me Now.

ICA, I've Missed You

Nicholas Hlobo - Momentum 11
July 30 - October 26, 2008 - ICA Boston

If I don't get my ass down to the ICA in Boston soon I am going to scream. What I really need to do is go tomorrow night or an upcoming Thursday, because time is running out, and while I still need to see the hyped Anish Kapoor show, as well as the Street Level show, which most likely I could get plenty of shit for, the new Nicholas Hlobo show is here.

My master plan is to hit not two, but three birds with one stone. On top of the two must go shows, the newest Nicholas Hlobo show, while his work scares me a bit, it intrigues me as well, as he just loves to make those huge phallic shapes of who knows what. What I am trying to say, if you are like me, you need to get to these shows which most end in October. So take one your last summer weekend afternoons, or if your a student a Thursday evening, and make your way to the ICA, because by now it's an order.

East 2 West

Sean Keenan - Southeast Asia Series
August 7 - 31, 2008 - Judi Rotenberg Gallery

Sean Keenan has had a show of his photography from Southeast Asia, sharing show space with Nicole Kita, so also has some great work. I meant to show you all about the show at the Judi Rotenberg earlier, but The Boston Globe just reviewed the show in their paper today, giving you one reason to stop by the Newbury show before the end of the month. Sean Keenan's photography really captures to world of the southeast countries of Asia. Of course be sure to read the brief but solid review of the showing.

August 17, 2008

Whats with August?

John Rosenthal - Then...Absence
August 14 - September 29, 2008 - Gallery Panopticon

We are going to blame the hot weather for the lack of the posts, but the month of August in Boston is a bit of struggle itself as there are little to no shows going on. I even heard from the Weekly Dig are pulling teeth looking for new events or artists around Boston to cover. It is already August 17th, and it is time for the The Struggling Blogger to get back into action and dig up from new works of art.

One new show that just put up a few days ago is of photogpraher John Rosenthal, from North Carolina. He photographed devastated Ninth Ward down in New Orleans. Their have been many photographers to capture the disaster since that day, but Rosenthal's seem to hit you, like it should. Also be sure to checkout his portfolio site. While the site is hard to look at as a design student, the work makes up for that fact.

August 7, 2008

Olympics or This!?

The Everyday Visuals, Hooray for Earth, Passion Pit
August 8, 2008 - Middle East Club

What a better way to boycott the Summer Olympics and the opening ceremony, but head down to the Middle East - downstairs as they have a night of local flavor, with beats that will not disappoint. The Everyday Visuals are the featured band, but Passion Pit is the guy I most excited for! The beats are crazy and abnormal, and seem like they shouldn't go together, but they do! The Everyday Visuals are a bit lower and Hooray is a happy medium, and Thick as Thieves are up there too. Oh Boy! Talk about a superb great local show for a small fee of 12 bucks, or adv of 8, +18.

July 29, 2008

Don't Think Twice

Matt Costa
July 30, 2008 - Paradise Rock Club

Matt Costa is playing at the Paradise Rock Club tomorrow night, and if you don't know each other, then I suggest you get yourself some tickets. He'll have Sera Cahoone and Satisfaction opening for him. Doors at 7, and it will be a 18plus showing.

July 28, 2008

Stork Five, Out Now!

Stork Magazine - Issue 5
Spring 2008 - Emerson College

Stork Magazine of Emerson College continues to express, and I am not just saying that because I know the newly assigned Editor-in-Chief, and upcoming Designer of Stork Magazine 5.5 and 6, but the whole publication is so well put together with attention to detail. Stork is a student run publication, with short stories by very talented Emerson students. Kyle Kabel, designer of Stork 4 and 4.5, also designed the latest issue out now, along with their first introduction of photography by Lenora Symczak. You will hear a lot more from Stork Magazine on The Struggling Blogger as some new projects to do with the magazine are on the horizon. To receive a free issue of Stork Magazine: Issue 5, simply leave a comment with your email you would like to be contacted at.

July 26, 2008

Born and Raised

Juliana Press - Local Portfolio

Here at The Struggling Blogger, we are big big fans of The Serif, which is strictly a blog to showcase the worlds latest and great design. Trying to tie in more design to our blog we are searching the local scene for great student, graduate, and veteran design portfolio sites.

The first one we came across that interested us was of Juliana Press, who was born in Boston, graduated from Simmons with a BA, went to MassArt for a GD certifies program and recently graduated from Glasgow School of Art in Visual Communications. Checkout your portfolio site as she has very clean work, which struck our eye. Her handmade books really impressed, as myself have taken an Artists Books course, and know it takes plenty of time and skill to produce.

Surf Metal

July 26, 2008 - Abbey Lounge

Recently stated by the Boston Phoenix as currently the best band in all of Massachusetts, it is now your chance to now see them in action. Ketman known as faceless bad, has a bit of a metal feel, but not the type that turn most off. Some songs can remind you of a more up temo Foo Fighters. Ketman play at the Abbey Lounge tonight, but if you can't make the show, you have a second chance on August 15th, as they play the Middlie East.

July 25, 2008

Ratatat, Only $20!

September 29, 2008 - Paradise Rock Club

Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this, seeing I have yet to get myself tickets, but Ratatat is coming and why the hell have you not gotten tickets. September 29th, they will be taking the Paradise hostage. Tickets have been on sale, but you should be worried about them selling out, thats why I am telling you now. Tickets are a cool 20 bucks. Also a couple other good tickets which went on sale recently is Jamie Lidell as well as Lotus which both are also playing at the Paradise Rock Club on different nights.

Surprise, Surprise

Tricia Rose Burt - Be Fruitful and Multiply
July 25 - August 23, 2008 - Copley Society of Art

So yes, the Copley Society of Art surprised me on the spaces they have (three that is), and the work. One gallery exhibit that starts today that popped out at me was of Tricia Rose Burt. She has a collection titled Be Fruitful and Multiply, which is displaying three types of her work. Graphite on paper, gouache on paper on panel, and my favorite her unique photocopy prints, which I would easily take four of if I had that cash floating around. Tricia was kind enough to reply to an email, and said she will be having an artist talk on July 31st, at 6pm, which I insist you attend.

July 24, 2008

Two Local Secrets, Kinda

Dave McMahon, Chi-Yun Lau - Secret Prize Inside!
July 25 - August 22, 2008 - Space 242

Space 242 is a great gallery as they are trying to connect with the "low brow" artists and collectors and making art affordable to all, and thank god for them. The show featuring Dave McMahon and Chi-Yun-Lau their first major exhibitions with orginial illustrations, paintings, and mixed media projects. Chi-Yun Lau you might know best from most of his illustrations featured in the Weekly Dig. To attend the opening this Friday at 6pm to 8pm, you must RSVP via their website, which will take 2 seconds. plus it makes you feel important!

July 23, 2008

Bomb It!

Bomb It - FutureClassic
July 24, 2008 - Church

FutureClassic's is presenting the official movie screening of the release of the Bomb It - Global Graffiti Documentary @ Church located on 69 Kilmarnock Street starting at 8:30 tomorrow. The film features street artists and top graffiti writers from five different continents, with the likes of Mear One, Tats Cru, Tkid, Kid Acne, and Ron English! DJ Stenny will be at the tables, and tickets are limited, so get on it.

July 22, 2008

The Sounds of Experiments

Live Experimental Sound and Video Performance
July 24, 2008 - Axiom Gallery

The Axiom is taking a bit of a hiatus with the gallery showing and is doing some interesting events, such as their latest event with live video and sound performances. On Thursday, July 24th at 8pm. The showing will feature Allison Maria Rodriguez video installation exploring the psychology of memory and trauma, Sandrine Schaefer and Philip Fryerbr and The Present Tense: "Too soon/Too late" and finishing with minimalist composer and sound artist Kyle Bobby Dunn.

July 20, 2008

Japanese Classic?

Bound Stems, One Happy Island
June 21, 2008 - Middle East Club

For our first music event on The Struggling Blogger, we need to tell you about a show at the Middle East Club featuring Bound Stems a band based out of Chicago. They classify themselves as a Indie band with a Japanese Classic touch. But before they take the stage, be sure to check out local band One Happy Island is also a must. All starts Monday at 8pm. One Happy Island will most likely be taking the stage at 9pm, with Bound Stems at 11pm. Its a 18+ show at Middle East Upstairs.

July 19, 2008

Propaganda without Dogma

Interview: Ron English

Ron English, Ron English, how do I know this name! The other day I finally found out, I had read an article in Swindle about him months ago. Now his work is in Boston at the a-Politics exhibit and took over the wall outside the SoWa galleries. I know it would be hard, but I thought I would try, and ask Mr. English for a short and sweet interview, he said "sure." He made sure to keep it short, but we ask him nine questions, and he was kind enough to answer them all. We at The Struggling Blogger would like to thank him for his time, and can't wait to get some more interviews here.

Barclay Douglas: What is the message behind Abraham Obama?
Ron English: I was hoping for an image that would create a dialogue.

BD: What has been your favorite project to work on?
RE: The kid series.

BD: What your greatest inspiration behind your work?
RE: Fear of a day job.

BD: Which artist/designer do you respect most?
RE: I don't have a single favorite.

BD: What is Popaganda?
RE: Propaganda without dogma.

BD: What does Ron English do when he is not doing Popaganda.
RE: Repent.

BD: One thing most people don't know about Ron English?
RE: That I'm a figment of their imagination.

BD: What is next for Ron English
RE: That's top secret.

BD: One bit of advice you would give a young art or design student?
RE: Make the art you want to see, not the art others want you to make. They'll come around.

July 17, 2008

East Coast Finest

Boston Young Contemporaries
July 18 - August 22, 2008 - 808 Gallery

Boston Young Contemporaries exhibition presented by 808 Gallery at Boston University is back for a third stint. There will be 90 up and coming fine art students, with 159 artworks, from twelve different New England schools! July 18th, DJ Ari Josesph will be kicking things off at 6pm for the opening which is free and open to you the public! Work will consist of paintings, photography, video and sculpture.

July 16, 2008

July Typography

July 1 - 31, 2008 - Lumen Eclipse

My new favorite "gallery", Lumen Eclipse, continues to make me all fuzzy inside. They even have their own myspace, come on, that means something to someone (not myself). They are a gallery using outdoor video displays, social venues and our favorite, the world wide web to spread the great world of motion arts/graphics. We are already on the back swing of July, but we had to tell you about their online collection for this month, which is... Typography! All eight videos displays great uses of type and I encourage you to watch. Did I mention, they would love to get videos by you.

Green Somerville

July 18 - 19, 2008 - Somerville Arts Council
This weekend, Davis Square will completely transform into the Boston area's largest and innovative art festival titled ArtBeat with this years theme of being green of course. Local bands will play such as Allton's Freezepop as well as Elm and Holland street filled with art vendors. The event start at 6pm on the 18th, and continues at noon to the evening on the 19th.

July 15, 2008

Short-Films Extention

LE:60 Deadline Extention
August 15, 2008 - Lumen Eclipse

Attention all short-film makers, you have one month to make a 60 second film, starting now! This is the first annual Lumen Eclipse: 60 Film Festival and the deadline for all entries has been extended to August 15, 2008 giving you exactly one month from today. All films must be 60 seconds exactly or less. The film festival subject is open to your creativity! All mailed entries must be stamped by August 15, 2008 to: Lumen Eclipse, Attn: Le:60, 248 Beacon Street Somerville, MA 02143. Videos/films may also be uploaded to Lumen Eclipse official website as well, but uploading has not yet been opened. The best thing is the film festival it will be a outdoor event on Palmer Street in Harvard Square on September 27th. Will make sure to remind you of that when the time nears, in the meantime, get filming.

July 13, 2008

The Paintings are Chronicles

Andrew Saftel - How Do We Get There?
July 12 - August 3, 2008 - Lanoue Fine Art

Andrew Saftel is showing at the latest exhibit at Lanoue Fine Art Gallery consisting of mixed media pieces, which opened yesterday. Lanoue Fine Art has surprised me with some good shows with pieces that can please the older eye as well as the younger. Lanoue will not have a exhibit for August, yet will back back in September with Petria Mitchell. Below are some words by Lanoue, describing the current show of Saftel's.

The paintings are chronicles: atomspheres of thought, filled with words, images and stories. Like a life lived, these paintings are layers of information - partly obscured, partly revealed. This work is about the geology of time, a layering of events through history leading up to this moment. The layering of the paintings is also geological, a build-up of thoughts, emotions and physical interactions buring in the layers of paint. We see only the surface, but everything underneath influeces what the surface eventually becomes. - Lanoue Fine Art

July 12, 2008


Carnival of the Arts
July 12, 2008 - Axiom Gallery

What are you doing right now? Well down at the up and coming Axiom Gallery they have been having a day art influenced by the old time fairs, festivals and circuses, titled Carnival of the Arts. The reasoning for the festival is simply generate community awareness and participation in art events in Jamaica Plain and around the Boston area, which I am a stronger supporter of. The day has been filled with activities, performances, local artists and a silent auction in the gallery. All ends at dusk, so run down there now! At 8pm tonight Zebbler Encanti will be performing a sound and video which I suggest you go. Tonights show is free but they would love donations (suggested donation: $7), as it will go to future educational program series.

Rare Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss: For President
July 1 - 30, 2008 - Newbury Fine Art

Most of the time I tend to lean away from things the Newbury Fine Art Gallery shows, as modern and contemporary art is not their main drive as a gallery. While browsing I noticed they have had a show exhibiting rare art work that many have never seen of the one and only Dr. Seuss, including some characters you might have seen before like the one above. I do not know much about the gallery, and the times, or if they are snobby, but judging by their website, they might be. The show only lasts until July 30th.

July 10, 2008

5x5, Randal Thurston

5x5: Fifth Annual Juired Summer Exhibition
June 5 - August 10, 2008 - Tufts University Art Gallery

A number of weeks ago I was reading about this show, it then slipped my mind and now a month into the show I found the show again. The good thing about art exhibits, they tend to be up for awhile such as his one titled '5x5' the 5th Annual Juired Summer Exhibition at Tufts which is up for another month (August 10th, 2008). The reason I am glad to have had this show cross my path again is because Randal Thurston, who taught me and The Struggling Blogger co-writer Greyleaf printmaking at the New England School of Art & Design.

The show consists of work by Kyle Larabee, Mindy Nierenberg, Roy Pardi, August Ventimiglia as well as Randal Thurston. Below is a quick blurb about Wunderkammern, Thurston's part of the show.

Wunderkammern is an installation of cut paper frames, hung salon-style along forty feet of gallery wall. The cut paper frames are richly decorative and from far away appear simply as ornate objects. Closer inspection reveals that the frames are composed of skeletal and floral elements. Thurston is inspired by Wunderkammern (cabinets of curiosity) as proto-museums that contained a variety of exotica, displayed objects in a grand mixture, and instilled awe in the viewer. The installation also recalls spectacular and morbid Eastern European ossuaries, which contained decorations, furniture, and sculptural tableaux composed entirely of human bones. - Tufts University Art Gallery

The show is in Medford, so it is a bit of a hike, but will be worth it. Nothing like a good subway ride can take care of it.

Taking It All In

The Best of AIB Photography 2008: Taking In
July 11 - August 23, 2008 - Laconia Gallery
Laconia Gallery presents 'Taking In', the best contemporary photography by the students of Art Institute of Boston and it is some great photography with some great work from the AIB, as always. The work ranges from subjects and approaches from color to black and white, digital to alternative process, documentary to photomontage. The show runs towards the end of August. Best times to visit the gallery is the first Fridays 5:30 to 8:30 and Saturdays Noon to 4pm.

July 9, 2008

Meet Jimmi, He's a Softie

Affordable Local Art: Soto Softies

We are going to get a little cutesy on you, as we bring you the latest edition of affordable local art, you can actually purchase. These cute handmade soft animals are made right in Cambridge called Soto Softies. The maker does not take commissions, yet all her mice, bats and whatever else are made are all orginial with a veriety of felts and all are filed with polyfill. They are all 50 bucks in piece, but they are one of a kinda pieces perfect for anyone. They can even stand on their own with a little balance and help by you.

Do Your Laundry

Joan Linder - More Fun In The New World
July 10 - August 3, 2008 - Judi Rotenberg Gallery

You know why the Judi Rotenberg Gallery continues to be one of the best galleries in Boston, who are not being forced to move, merge or even close, three reasons. First they have prime location which other galleries have too. Secondly they continue to update their gallery website with current, and future shows, unlike many galleries who are weeks late after they put up their latest exhibit (it is more important then you think!). Finally, they continue to have great upcoming contemporary artists, which all can appreciate.

So I am done ranting, for now, but the Judi Rotenberg Gallery does have another show you should checkout. Joan Linder has pen and ink on paper drawings which are huge pieces ranging from 22 x 30 to 54 x 60 such as the piece appropriately titled 'Washer and Dryer'. The show is titled 'More Fun in the New World' She has her BFA from Tufts and MFA from Columbia. This is her first one lady show of 2008. The show officially starts tomorrow with the reception from 6-8pm.