5x5: Fifth Annual Juired Summer Exhibition
June 5 - August 10, 2008 - Tufts University Art Gallery

A number of weeks ago I was reading about this show, it then slipped my mind and now a month into the show I found the show again. The good thing about art exhibits, they tend to be up for awhile such as his one titled '5x5' the 5th Annual Juired Summer Exhibition at Tufts which is up for another month (August 10th, 2008). The reason I am glad to have had this show cross my path again is because Randal Thurston, who taught me and The Struggling Blogger co-writer Greyleaf printmaking at the New England School of Art & Design.
The show consists of work by Kyle Larabee, Mindy Nierenberg, Roy Pardi, August Ventimiglia as well as Randal Thurston. Below is a quick blurb about Wunderkammern, Thurston's part of the show.
Wunderkammern is an installation of cut paper frames, hung salon-style along forty feet of gallery wall. The cut paper frames are richly decorative and from far away appear simply as ornate objects. Closer inspection reveals that the frames are composed of skeletal and floral elements. Thurston is inspired by Wunderkammern (cabinets of curiosity) as proto-museums that contained a variety of exotica, displayed objects in a grand mixture, and instilled awe in the viewer. The installation also recalls spectacular and morbid Eastern European ossuaries, which contained decorations, furniture, and sculptural tableaux composed entirely of human bones. - Tufts University Art Gallery
The show is in Medford, so it is a bit of a hike, but will be worth it. Nothing like a good subway ride can take care of it.
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