March 31, 2008

Go, or I'll Cut Yah

Stefan Sagmeister Lecture
April 25, 2008 - ICA

I was going to tell you all about Sagmeister coming to Boston at the end of the month of April, but in all truth, I was waiting to get my own tickets. I got my tickets a few days ago, so now it is your turn. I heard one of my old professors who took us to a handful of lectures when I took her, mentioning that she was going. I had to. Stefan was one of the first names I had heard of when I started design school. After Tibor. If you even call yourself a designer, then it is no question you must go. If your lame, at least checkout his site, maybe it will change your mind, or at least blow it. Checkout More!

March 27, 2008

Hellboy... Returns

Mike Mignola Lecture
April 3, 2008 - ICA

What the hell, Hellboy is making a second film! Ok ok, I don't really give two shits about the newest Hellboy: The Science of Evil movie... but Mike Mignola is talking at the ICA Boston next Thursday. I have never been a fan of the Hellboy comics and movies, but if you are, this is a must. Plus he makes all these detailed illustrations. He will also be talking and give you a sneak peak about his upcoming projects. If your a ICA member, a student like me or you have a cane you'll have to pay 8 bucks, if not 12. Checkout More!

March 26, 2008

Surface to Air

Elaine Spatz-Rabinowitz - Surface to Air
March 21 - May 6, 2008 - Howard Yezerski Gallery

Just a few days ago the opening at the best gallery on Newbury Street (I think) opened their newest show featuring Elaine Spatz-Rabinowitz' series of work titled Surface to Air. This shows point is pretty clear through the art work. The materials is oil on cast, with fresco markings. It is a great use of materials, and normally I am not a fan of war pieces, but the materials work great with the feeling of the pieces. Checkout More.

March 25, 2008

Poppin' My Fucking Mind

ABC-3D / Moby Dick Pop-up Books

Pop-up books are all I am thinking about lately, as I have to create one of my own for my Artists Books course. Then of course I run into a great pop-up book video which shows the ABC's. Trust me even making the G in the video is extremely tricky as I tried making one the other day. After watching this I searched one of the best pop-up book artist in the country by the name of Sam Ita. I worked along side of him last summer in LA. He went to Pratt for Graphic Design, but now he is a pop-up artist, and making insane books such as the second video above. He is a quiet guy, but he speaks best through pop-up. His books are sold nation wide. Damn impressive. Enjoy!

"Hey, I Can Do That!"

Liliana Porter Exhibition
March 1 - April 9, 2008 - Barbara Krakow Gallery

This exhibition at Barbara Krakow Gallery to an untrained eye might say "Hey, I Can Do That!". Well you probably can, and I can as well, but this is is still hilarious and amazing at the same time. What, is this Jill fetching some black ink and and a play miner ripping the paper apart. I think all the pieces are pretty clever. The show is not all like this, but you can get the idea! Why I don't know what is behind the show, as the Barbara Krakow Gallery is a very famous gallery in the Boston area, so it has to be good, even if it is hard to realize. Why I am not demanding you go to the gallery, you should look at the rest of the work she has done. Checkout More!

March 21, 2008

Eggs + Addition = Great Art?

Math and Art
March 14 - April 27, 2008 - Axiom Gallery

I was going to post about this show a few days ago, and today I picked up the Weekly Dig and they featured the show. It is in Jamaica Plains, but I have been reading a lot about the exhibit and it seems pretty interesting which I am going to try and get to. It has a combination of sculpture, photography and new media. Too bad their is nothing but this egg shot, but check out this video below, to get the vibe, because you can't really see anything in this video. Its up for about another month, so you have plenty of time to find the gallery. Its at 141 Green Street in JP. It has odd times, which are Wednesday - Thursday 6-9pm and Saturday 2-5pm. It is free, oh thank god! Checkout More!

20 Years Later

Marc English Lecture
April 24, 2008 - Mass College of Art Auditorium

After graduating 20 years ago from Mass College of Art, Marc English is making a return to Boston after 13 years. He has been in Austin, Texas since being at school in Boston and on April 24th, he makes his return. He's done stuff from Sara Lee and Dell Computers, to stuff for the Suicide Girls. Its a wide range of clients. His website... kind of likes to fuck with you, so don't be fooled. He obviously doesn't like bragging about his work, but I guess it helps get new clients. So April 24th at 6:30pm @ the Mass College of Art Auditorium. 621 Huntington Avenue. Its a AIGA lecture, so it should be like 3 bucks for students. So go damn it!

March 19, 2008

Fairey Comes to Boston

Shepard Fairey - Career Work
July 30 - October 26, 2008 - ICA

So I got very excited tonight as I realized Shepard Fairey is finally doing a damn show in Boston at the ICA starting mid-summer. The show will display a wide range of work from his career. He will be displaying posters and stickers, but also will be showing his metal and wood work. I highly highly recommend the exhibit, and will be sure to bring it up again as it nears.

Carson Murdach: Recent Work

Carson Murdach - Recent Work
March 14 - April 27, 2008

A few days ago the OSP Gallery setup the exhibit featuring Carson Murdach's newest art. His work, such as the one above caught my eye as there are all those red roofs. I think its such a cool way to make a piece. He uses only the materials of graphite and gouache. Its is right on Harrison Ave. So if your down in that area, check this show out. Its up to the end of April. Checkout More!

March 18, 2008

Came Crashing

Blake E. Marquis
Graphic Design, Illustration & Art Direction

Just wanted to tell you all to checkout Blake E. Marquis website I came across it while looking a Gallery Katz's website, who oddly enough represents Marquis here in Boston. You might know him best from his chicken patterns that you might have seen hung at The Wall @ Central Square this past fall. I love his work as its simple and fun at the same time. What stood out from his website that he did a shirt design for Obey! Also be sure to checkout his flickr page.

March 16, 2008

Street Level

Bradford, Cordova, and Rhode - Street Level
March 19 - July 13, 2008 - ICA

Going up the same time as Ranjani Shettar's (below) show is going up, the show I am really excited for is the trio of Bradford, Cordova, and Rhode. These three guys who are from all over the world from LA, to Capetown are about to show Boston their take on their ubran enviroment. Mark Bradford rips down old posters, most of the time bleaches them and reworks them, William Cordova uses old books, tires and records, while Robin Rhode does drawings as if they 3D objects. Their work is created from old scrap materials and make them into amazing art, my favorite!
Checkout More!

Sun-Sneezers Blow Light Bubbles

Ranjani Shettar - Momentum 10
March 19 - June 13, 20
08 - ICA

Ranjani Shetter who is from Bangalore, India is coming to the ICA in just a few days! Her installation pieces are crazy. She uses the materials from beeswax, and latez to sawdust and PVC tubing. Ranjani is presenting her newest work titled Sun-sneezers blow light bubbles when some people actually sneeze blue light. This exhibition will be up all spring and into the summer, so no rush, but I know I will be rushing! Checkout More!

March 14, 2008

Night & Day

Katherine Gulla - Night and Day
February 14 - March 16, 2008 - Gallery Kayafas

Get your shoes on and run to this gallery, the exhibit only has until Sunday before it's being taken down. Ok, well it is not amazing, but the work is still pretty awesome. I viewed the pieces exactly a week from today and they were really damn amazing. Katherine Gulla used photos to make the works. From right photo above she used her photos and took everything out but the shadows. They are leaded up against the wall with a transparent material which makes the piece really strong, and its only a shadow! Her other pieces are said to be used from photos too, but whatever they are made from they are really cool to see in person. Like I said only until Sunday to view this exhbit! Checkout more

The Sowa Open Market

The Sowa Open Market
Starting May 17, 2008 - South End

It is still only mid-March, but come May 17th and 18th, it is the opening weekend of the 5th season of the Sowa Open Market. I walked where the market takes place last Friday and its a great open lot that they fill with tents. It is a farmer's market as well as a great place which local artist sell their goods. You can also apply to sell there as well. I will be traveling that opening weekend, but they have them each weekend during the hot summer months! There will be new things each weekend. I encourage you to go!

Deconstructing Roy Lichtenstein

Deconstructing Roy Lichtenstein

While in Contemporary Art today, my professor gave us this great link showing Roy Lichtenstein pieces along side the short lived comic-strips he used to make his art work. There are numerous pieces with the original comic. He even used a Mickey Mouse comic, which I never knew. Nice find professor, Bravo! Checkout all the pieces!

The Archivist's Wig

Stephen Barker - The Archivist's Wig
February 20 - March 29, 2008 - Bernard Toale Gallery

With my first ever blog post, I am going to tell you all about the great exhibit by Stephen Barker at one of my favorite galleries, if not my favorite in all of Boston, the Bernard Toale Gallery located in the South End. Barker's photography while might show too many butts to make a homophobic uncomfortable, his work is great. All the work is black and white. The gallery space is filled with huge photography, even some tilting down it is that filled. Go check it out, its up to about the end of the month!.