Stefan Sagmeister Lecture
April 25, 2008 - ICA

I was going to tell you all about Sagmeister coming to Boston at the end of the month of April, but in all truth, I was waiting to get my own tickets. I got my tickets a few days ago, so now it is your turn. I heard one of my old professors who took us to a handful of lectures when I took her, mentioning that she was going. I had to. Stefan was one of the first names I had heard of when I started design school. After Tibor. If you even call yourself a designer, then it is no question you must go. If your lame, at least checkout his site, maybe it will change your mind, or at least blow it. Checkout More!

I was going to tell you all about Sagmeister coming to Boston at the end of the month of April, but in all truth, I was waiting to get my own tickets. I got my tickets a few days ago, so now it is your turn. I heard one of my old professors who took us to a handful of lectures when I took her, mentioning that she was going. I had to. Stefan was one of the first names I had heard of when I started design school. After Tibor. If you even call yourself a designer, then it is no question you must go. If your lame, at least checkout his site, maybe it will change your mind, or at least blow it. Checkout More!